Bowen Lookout Sunset Hike
–Hike to chase the lions bay sunset! Its suppose to be somewhat clear on Wednesday . Hoping to just meet at the cypress after work and hike up in time for the sunset. Will be dark hiking back so headlamp will be needed but its a short hike I’ve done this hike multiple times its […]
Map and Compass Workshop (Practice Session)
–Note: some people have let me know that the event registration is listed as full despite their still being spots available – if you want to come and aren’t able to register, please send me an e-mail. This will be the practice component for a map and compass workshop, where we’ll go on a hike […]
WNSTP 2022: Wednesday Night Ski Training Program
–Member cost: $110.00/Person – due upon admission to the confirmed list (from the waitlist with a firm cut-off date of Dec 15) – non-refundable (if ACC cancels the course due to Covid, a full refund will be provided.) Who’s Invited: Members Only, 18 & Older Only Itinerary: We will have 5 weeks of awesome informal ski […]