
Booking guidelines for ACC Vancouver Section Huts 2025

Please read carefully:

Tantalus Hut Advanced Bookings for a booking comprised of ACCVan section members only are open as of Dec 17, 2024 exclusively until Feb 7th, 2025 at which time it opens up to all user groups.  Non full ACCVan user groups requests submitted before Feb 7th will not be kept.

NOTE:  There are no refunds for any reason.  If you cannot go, you can move your reservation to another open spot during the same booking season.  Contact back through your original booking confirmation email. Reservations are NOT carried over to the next season.  Please understand no carry over to next season and don’t book unless you understand this.

Please ensure you have organized your mode of travel to the Tantalus Hut. Access is by Helicopter, float plane or by hiking in.  Hiking-in is the fall back should you not be able to fly.  Please ensure you have organized how you will cross the river to access the trail up. This is your responsibility.  Contact BC Parks Alice Lake/Brackendale office for river crossing services or Squamish Water Sports.

Some points to consider:
– advanced booking for a full ACC Vancouver Section group
– 10% discount for a full ACC Vancouver Section Group, All participants names, with active membership numbers must be on the reservation form. Not added after. 
– set nights for each booking of 3 nights
– option to add on an extra Thurs night (not booked as a stand-alone night)
– booking is whole hut
– no refund policy but can move to open spots within the season you are booking
– Max number of people in each hut (HH 12, TH 16)
– Health Declarations no longer required
– Proof of Covid Vaccination no longer required
– set costs: $1700 for weekday 3 night booking (Mon, Tues, Wed nights), $2000 for the weekend 3 night booking (Fri, Sat, Sun nights)
– Thurs night can be added to either 3 night booking for $500 and should be requested at the time of booking.  It is a first come first serve basis. It cannot be booked as a stand-alone night.
Please remember, if you have taken advantage of early booking and/or a reduced rate and add new people to your party they must also be ACCVan members.

Booking requests that meet the guidelines will be held in sequence as they come in, otherwise they are discarded. Please read guidelines carefully.

Read carefully all of the pages leading up to the booking form https://accvancouver.ca/huts/ for full information on booking guidelines and also to find our no refund but move to open spots policy within the current season you are booking for.

Effective Jan 1, 2023 and forward.

The information here supersedes any other information on the website for the period of March 1 – Sept 30, 2025.

All other aspects on the website regarding huts apply, please refer to them.

  • Please read carefully and only book if you can meet what is outlined as there are no refunds.   Options to move within a prescribed time frame depending on availability is described below but is limited. 
  • Exclusive whole hut booking for a max group size of 16. 
  • A single person must be responsible for making the group booking and be that groups point of contact
  • Fri/Sat/Sun 3 night or Mon/Tues/Wed (Weekend group check out on Monday is 11am, Monday group check in at 3pm) Outgoing and incoming groups leaving late or arriving early to take advantage of recreating for the day can work together to store items in the vestibule or another agreed upon location during transitions. 
  • Groups coming out must clean the hut following directions posted in the hut, and incoming groups must clean the hut following the same directions.  This will ensure a well sanitized hut under the supervision of each user group. The Hut is user cleaned, this is very important to all users, please take this seriously. 
  • $2000 set price for the Fri/Sat/Sun nights and $1700 for Mon/Tues/Wed nights hut use.  See discount and advanced booking under Reservations for an all-ACC Vancouver Section group.  (Group members must be listed at the time of booking and memberships active, it is checked)
  • If interested, the Thurs night can be added to your booking for a fee of $500 either on the weekend nights or the weekday nights booking.  Inquiries for the availability of this extra night should be made at the time of requesting your dates. 
  • A decrease in your group size does not warrant any partial refund as the booking is for the whole hut.  If a member of your group cannot go then a replacement can be found that meets the booking criteria and all information must be passed onto the booking agent through your original booking email at [email protected].  You may also add addition people, meet the booking criteria of your booking up to the allowable Max for the Hut.  No additional costs.
  • Full payment within 48hrs once accepted or booking is dropped.
  • No cancellation/refund (weather is not a consideration) – During the Tantlaus Hut season – March 1 – Sept 30, you will have the ability to move to another open spot.  This is for use if you could not get in after trying on each day of your booking…ie, if you cannot get in the first day then you must try the second day etc.  There may be an up-charge if you are going from a weekday booking to a more expensive weekend booking.  No refund of the difference for the reverse.
  • Moving to another open spot can be limited based on how full the bookings are at that point.
  • NO carry forward to next season of any missed/cancelled bookings – no exceptions other than what is outlined above
  • All people in the booking must read and adhere to the ACC Vancouver Section, posted online and in the hut,  Fire suppression plan.  It is the responsibility of the person booking to ensure all people in the booking must read them prior to going in.
  • The code will be sent as late as the night before your trip as it can change frequently. If you have not received it, it is the responsibility of the person booking to reach out and request it using your confirmation email.  The ACCVan and the user will both take responsibility to ensure the code is sent.  Take note cellular access outside the bedroom windows on the high point of rock is possible at times. It is also possible sometimes within the hut near the south windows. Sometimes calls and texts work. Emails can be attempted should communication be necessary with the ACCV.  Email is our mode of communication. 
  • Any emergency should be directed to 911 or your emergency contact to initiate a SAR call out
  • Preparedness for backcountry travel is the responsibility of the hut user.  They must provide their own reliable mode of communication for emergencies.
  • The booking form must be completed with all the information requested or the request will be discarded without notice.  (ie, all names, mobile number, and emails for each person going in) This information may be used for contact tracing or for Search and Rescue needs.
  • A trip follow-up contact by the booking agent may take place to inquire about hut status and your stay
  • The ACC Vancouver Section reserves the right to close the huts at any time if we cannot cover our operational costs.  If we must close them and your booking is cancelled, then a refund for your booking will take place.
  • Hut users MUST bring your own hand sanitizer.
  • It is up to the Hut users to arrange their flights with the Helicopter company to confirm they can fly you before making your booking as there are no refunds for any reason.
  • Reservations:   Required. 

The Tantalus hut was built by the ACC in 1961 as a base for mountaineering in the Tantalus Range. It is located at the outflow end of Lake Lovely Water (elevation 3850 feet) in the Tantalus Range in the Coast Mountains, approximately 64 km northwest of Vancouver. This site is located in Tantalus Provincial Park at GR 819146 on map 92G/14 (Cheakamus River).

The Tantalus Hut is a two-storey wooden structure with a large kitchen/dining room on the main floor and a separate sleeping loft above with foam mattresses for 16 people. The hut is kept locked. To book your stay, please use the link below to read the Hut Use and Booking Guidelines Policy and to pay the overnight fees. While the Tantalus area offers limited hiking opportunities, the scenery at Lake Lovely Water alone is fabulous. In good weather, people enjoy swimming, boating and fishing. There is a wide variety of climbing opportunities of various grades. Classic alpine routes abound on such peaks as: Tantalus 2603m (8540′); Dione 2590m (8500′); Alpha 2305m (7562′); Serratus 2326m (7632′) and many others. Climbing in the area is covered in Climbing and Hiking in Southwestern B.C. by Bruce Fairley, and in Alpine Select by Kevin McLane.  This is not a party destination and Mountain Culture is expected with respect for the environment and for fellow Hut users and campers in the area.

June 1 to Sept 30

Required, the hut is locked and the code changed periodically

Access on Foot
Via the Lake Lovelywater Trail: Requires crossing the Squamish River.  The ACC Vancouver does not provide river crossing services.  Please go to the BC Parks website with the below link.  Read the information under “Facilities” and under the subtitle of “walk in/backcountry/camping” for information and search on line for available options BEFORE booking the hut. 

Access by Helicopter:
For transportation by air: Please see current list of providers at BC Parks website.

Important note:

Please read fully each section on your way through the links to the Bookings Form. If you are asking questions and they are in the pre read materials you will be referred back here to read. Fill the bookings form out completely to avoid delays. NOTE: Your booking will be cancelled and no refund given and no further use of the Huts should your booking have any deception associated with it. IE: taking in more people than what you booked for. Claiming member when your not. Accessing the Huts without permission. Before clicking on booking link below this, please read the rest of the material on this page.

Thank you for inquiring about the ACC Vancouver Section Huts, we appreciate the bookings we receive as they support our huts for the ongoing maintenance and upkeep costs so we can continue to offer them to you.

Please read through the information and follow the links.

ACC events at the hut

Tantalus Hut At Lake Lovely Water