Golden Larches (& Mount Frosty)
–Get your camera batteries charged and your fall hiking wool ready. Let’s go and hike up the Mount Frosty trail to the Larches and higher above if you so desire. The hike to the sign post and back is 22km with 1200m of elevation gain. It’s quite a haul with most of the elevation coming […]
Mt. Baker Plein Air Painting and Hiking Weekend
–Welcome to the annual En Plein Air hiking/sketching/painting/photographing get-away weekend at Baker Lodge, by the Mt. Baker ski area in Washington State. We will try to meet sometime after noon on Fri Sept 27 at Artists Point (if you can’t make it then, you can come directly to the Mountaineers Lodge after 4 PM), and […]
Mount lindeman hike
Looking to find some members to help me hike mount lindeman! its a grueling 1450 m elevation over 17.5 km . This will likely be a 13 hour day including driving leaving the carpool location @ 7 am . It will be very hot ( low of 14 high of 31) However, there are many […]
Needle Peak Scramble
–Scramble practice at Needle Peak, out and back from trailhead. Potential ridge traverse towards Markhor peak, depending on comfort level. Potential rappel practice on way down. Required items: 10 essentials, helmet, hiking poles, 60m rope (1 for the group), approach shoes. Required experience: BMC qualified.
Yellow aster Bute – Washington – US
–Looking for some ACC folks to go on a beautiful day hike in Washington state national park with a day trip to the US of A . about 950 m and 14 km. expect a full day 8 am to 8 pm for the trip, well likely grab dinner in the US as well! Ive […]