The purpose of this program is to train experienced tourers to lead ski/ split-board trips with the ACC Vancouver. I will send an MS Excel spreadsheet containing the initial screening questions to those who sign up.
The qualifications of the ideal candidate are:
- ACC Vancouver Member
- History of attending ACC Vancouver events
- Ride black terrain off-piste with confidence and control
- Completed AST1
- Toured for several seasons or 80 days
- Competent with all technical aspects of touring
- Fit enough for 1200m days
- Good communication skills
The program will cover:
- Trip planning
- Participant screening
- Track setting
- Pacing
- Discussion facilitation
- Monitoring trip participants
By the end of the program participants will be expected to have the ability to organize and lead their own trips and lead at least one trip in 2022.
The number of participants will depend on the number of mentors.
The high-level timeline as:
- November: Mentee sign-up and preliminary selection
- December to early January: Mentee screening touring trip (depending on the number of mentees)
- January to March: Training/ shadowing trips
- February to April: Mentee organized and led trips
Guest sign-up
Sign-ups are no longer available for this event.