Climbing Training Club – Minimum Edges – CANCELLED

November 21st 2022


Join us at Climb Base 5 (North Vancouver) to train for rock climbing.  We will  follow a minimum edge protocol on the hangboard, to build finger strength. We will not be doing typical ‘rock climbing’ apart from the warm up.

We recommend purchasing a punch card for the gym  so you don’t have to pre-book a time slot.  If you do not have a gym membership or a punch pass you will need to pre-book a drop-in time slot on the CB5 website ahead of time.

We will start warming up at 7pm and start training about 15-20 min later for approximately 1 hrs.

There will likely be a second event posted on the same date that is more climbing-focused instead of training focused for those interested in a more casual night.

Guest sign-up

Sign-ups are no longer available for this event.