Will Gadd: 30 trips in 60 minutes

April 24th 2012


Join us as Will Gadd recounts his top 30s – 30
trips in 60 minutes! Sit down, hang on, try to
keep up with some of the wildest adventures on the
planet. Rated R for occasional profanity, mild
nudity and all-out good times. More details.

Will is an ACC member and climbing guru living in
Canmore, AB. Will grew up in a family that hiked,
climbed and went into the mountains whenever they
could. Some of his earliest memories are of long
backpacking trips, wind-blown summits and
surviving winter ski trips.

The first sport he really got into on his own was
caving. When he was 14 he started kayaking. At 16
he bought his first climbing rope, and did his
first new rock route. At 25 he first flew a
paraglider. At 41 his daughter came into the
world. She’s already doing all the stuff he did as
a kid, and she’s an athlete too. For more info on
Will, please visit:

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