Viennese-Clarke Traverse

June 12th 2015


Four of us are doing this traverse as a self-
contained unit. Other self-contained unit(s) of
2-4 experienced members will be considered. This
is a difficult trip and should not be
underestimated. Although the climbing grades are
quite tame at low to mid 5th levels, the route
demands intense physical effort and efficiency
travelling over 3rd & 4th class terrain. Also,
route-finding difficulties will most likely be
encountered and may lead to an epic. For these
reasons, we do not want to take on the
responsibility of unknown members. However, if
you are a party or find members on the wait list
to partner with it could be good to have you come

Friday early morning departure and drive up the
Chehailis FSR as far as possible (4wd-hc vehicle
or 2wd and bikes). Hike into the bivvy 6-8 hours
and camp.(overnight; tent sleeping bag stove or
bivi gear required).
Saturday morning early start and complete the
traverse back to bivvy 11-16hrs.

Sunday up early, pack up and hike out 6-8 hours
and additional 3.5hrs drive back to Vancouver.

For more info, see page 317 of Alpine Select,
Climbs in Southwest BC book.

Guest sign-up

Sign-ups are no longer available for this event.