Summer Trip Building & Orientation for Event Coordinators

June 26th 2012


Summer Trip Building & Orientation Session for Event Coordinators
Coordinate an Event and Dinner’s on us.
The workshop will consist of dinner & refreshments, and a series of brief (15 min, 6-10 slides) presentations by knowledgable volunteers on the following significant aspects of trip organization

(1) Gathering information about your event (guide books iCal, road, weather, and trail).
(2) Posting your Event on iCal (tricks, traps & making it easy)
(3) Screening Candidates (fitness, experience, skills, gear, vehicles, area).
(4) Managing your Event (leadership, group management, scenarios, post trip)
(5) Suggested Event/Trip options
-a list of attractive day & overnight objectives for hiking, scrambling, climbing mountaineering

The workshop will appeal to BM1 graduates & other potential Event Coordinators and is intended to make the process of organizing, managing and putting Events onto our iCal system, easier, less intimidating, and mysterious. It will also be an opportunity to meet other Coordinators (avoid Event duplication or omissions and promote higher organizational standards and consistent practices.

Guest sign-up

Sign-ups are no longer available for this event.