Pizza and Climbing Night: $1 pizza, 50% off passes

May 7th 2018


Meet Upstairs at The Edge Climbing Gym in North
Vancouver at 630pm for Pizza dinner and then
Climb or boulder for a couple hours.

All levels of experience and ages are welcome.
Easy going night to meet and hang-out with
fellow climbers.

Pizza will cost $1 per slice and climbing day
passes will be 50% off the advertised rate. Be
sure to tell the
front desk that you are there with the ACC to
get your discount.

Guests (non-acc members): please email me at
[email protected] with your name, age and experience level and I will add you the

Please let us know in the note section of your
registration if you have dietary restrictions
or if you don’t want the pizza so we know how much to order.

Guest sign-up

Sign-ups are no longer available for this event.