This year our end of season June Social will
include Volunteer Appreciation Awards. Come out
and support our volunteers and say thanks. In
addition to the ever popular end of season
Potluck, Lynn Erickson will be making a short
presentation on Lake O’Hara as a warm-up for her
camp there in July.
Feature presentation by Tony Hoare.
The 2008 Patagonia Expedition Race was comprised
of a dozen teams from countries as diverse as
Turkey, France, and Brazil. It is a 10-day event
with a race course of approximately 600 km. The
four member, mixed gender teams hike, bike, kayak
and climb their way through very remote areas of
Patagonia some of which have no documented prior
traverses before the race. Tony was part of a
team of 6 international adventure sports
photographers brought down to cover the race. Via
trucks, planes, sailing boats and navy gunboats
they explored some of the most remote regions of
Patagonia to cover the racers. For more
information check out the Pa
tagonia Expedition Race website.
Guest sign-up
Sign-ups are no longer available for this event.