Modern Navigation and Trip Planning Workshop

April 18th 2018


Hello all stoked ACCers! Have you been struggling to find the best
information for your own trip planning lately given the
unpredictable weather conditions? Or have you had a weather
window to make use of a great day of skiing, but additional faff and
logistics led to the day not being what you thought it could be? Well,
look no further! Join me for an evening workshop to discuss some
new modern tools useful for detailed route-planning and modern
backcountry navigation! Skills discussed in this workshop will

-Traditional route-planning tools using old-school methods
-Modern route-planning tools using online and computer-based
systems (CalTopo, Avanet, BaseCamp, etc)
-Modern tools for use of these route-plans in the field (esp.
focusing on Gaia GPS)
-Additional tools that make for more efficient trip planning (weather
and avalanche data sources, etc)

The structure of this workshop is to focus on deliverying the tools to
you all and then providing an environment where you can all can get
hands-on practice using these tools. Therefore, the aim is for a
small class size, and hence I will take the first 10 people interested
for this clinic. Sign up soon to hold your spot!

In addition, if you don’t know who I am in the ACC or why you
should attend this workshop, I am a first-year mountain guide at the
American Alpine Institute and an AMGA Apprentice Rock Guide and
have taken my Ski Guide Course. My aim in running this workshop is
to provide you all with more tools to plan your trips to be more epic
and make the most of the time you spend out there. Get stoked to
plan really effective trips everyone!

Guest sign-up

Sign-ups are no longer available for this event.