Backcountry Skiing – Paul Ridge

November 21st 2015


Early Season Backcountry Turns – Elfin
Lakes Area

Backcountry Skiing on Paul Ridge which is a
classic early season opener for most people.
Shake off those cobwebs, remember how to turn
those skis and get
some exercise skinning up a mellow old road.

The plan is to leave St Davids Church at 7am
and then drive up to Squamish for some turns.
I’m expecting a full day of skiing here with
alot of yo-yoing
along Paul Ridge so please remember to bring a
headlamp in case we return after 4pm.

Members are expected to have completed their
AST1 course, carry and know how to use their
avalanche safety equipment
Paul Ridge is
not considered to
be complex avalanche terrain but this is a
standard for all ACC Ski trips.

For drivers, I highly recommend the use of
winter tires, 2wd vehicles should carry chains
as Mamquam Rd can sometimes get icy in the

Any questions please email me.

Guest sign-up

Sign-ups are no longer available for this event.