Speedy, efficient Companion Rescue offers the best chance of survival for victims caught in avalanches.
Studies show that; of the 75% of burial victims not killed by trauma, about 92% have survived when recovered within 15 minutes.
The need for speed is paramount.
A thorough understanding of how your Transceiver, Probe & Shovel work,
Knowledge of effective search and extraction techniques and
Practice at working as part of the Companion Rescue Team under simulated avalanche conditions
– will reduce anxiety & facilitate quicker more effective action in emergency situations
An avalanche is neither the time nor place to have a first encounter with your gear
5:15 pm – 5:30pm…..Meet @ MEC member services desk (Broadway Store)…… Pick up club or rental gear, Assemble car pools drive to Bean on Mt Seymour Parkway
6:00 pm – 6:10pm…..Meet @ Bean-Around- the-World Parkgate Mall Mt Seymour Rd & Mt Seymour Hwy
6:30 pm …..Meet @ Lower Lunch room of Cafeteria (Upper Parking Lot Mt Seymour
6:40 pm – 8:00 pm….Introductions, Review outline & plan for the evening. Conduct gear orientation & deployment
8:00 pm – 9:25 pm…..Field practice……3 -5 sets Companion Rescue Simulations
Situation Assessment, Team Safety, Rescue Plan, Participant Roles
Primary-Signal search, victim location, bracketing (probe practice)
Victim extraction, Shovelling techniques, Evacuation
9:30 pm…….………Head home
These practice sessions are no substitute for other courses, programs & further learning; members are strongly encouraged to ensure their skills are commensurate with the risks they may possibly encounter
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