To coordinate rides for passengers & drivers and so we know who is meeting us at each location please indicate if you are a driver (and how many spaces in your car) or passenger AND where you will meet the group please add your info on linked Google doc spreadsheet below
Avi Gear workshop Carpool & Gear requirements spread sheet
5:00 pm – 5:30pm…..Meet @ MEC (Broadway)…… Pick up rental gear, Assemble car pools
6:00 pm – 6:10pm…..Meet @ Bean-Around- the-World Parkgate Mall Mt Seymour Rd & Mt Seymour Hwy
6:30 pm – 8:00 pm…..Meet @ Lower Lunch room of Cafeteria (Upper Parking Lot Mt Seymour)
Introductions, Review outline & plan for the evening. Conduct gear orientation & deployment
8:00 pm – 9:25 pm…..Field practice……3 -5 sets Companion rescue simulations
Team Safety, Rescue Plan, Participant Roles. Signal search, victim location (probe practice)
Victim extraction, Shovelling techniques, Evacuation
9:30 pm…….………Head for home
This is not a substitute for existing courses; members are encouraged to enhance their skills to levels appropriate to the risks they intend to undertake
Guest sign-up
Sign-ups are no longer available for this event.